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Friday 7 June 2013

If you can make a lady encounter intense
PLEASURE, she will be yours.

Pleasure is the purpose we are attracted

Now, the individual thoughts is fairly innovative,
including females thoughts. We are not going
to be drawn to just anything.

This goes returning to improvement, because by
feeling the feelings of fascination toward
things that would help us endure, it gave
us an benefits.  It inspired us.

And being offended by factors that were
bad for us also assisted us endure.  It
kept us away from the incorrect factors.

i.e. Bad ruined meals. So by developing
an AVERSION to ruined meals.  So those
who sensed it sampled HORRIBLE were more
likely to endure and duplicate.

We also progressed to be ATTRACTED to meals
that were GOOD for us. So, for example,
those who had genetics that allowed them to
perceiving fruits as flavored "sweet", were
motivated to discover it and eat it.  And so
they too were more likely to survive
and duplicate.

Of course, it doesn't always perform absolutely,
as sweets cafes also flavor best to us, because
candy cafes are relatively new in record,
and our thoughts haven't progressed yet to "NOT
enjoy sweets cafes but still appreciate fruit".

But the truth is, our thoughts have progressed in a
way where now we are HARDWIRED to be
attracted to certain factors.  To perceive
them as "sweet".  And to be repulsed
by other factors, to comprehend them as
"yucky".  And everything in between.

So, the KEY to gaining a WOMAN is to do
EVERYTHING in your POWER to come
across as BEING DESIRABLE, according
to the psychological aspect of her thoughts.
So you have to INTERACT with a lady by
behaving in a way that CONVEYS MASSIVE
VALUE to her.

Most individuals TRY to do this but do it all incorrect,
so let's get obvious on what value REALLY
looks like, appears to be like, and seems like.

Behavior is not just your ACTIONS.
It's not just your terms.

It's not just your speech tonality.

It's not just your outfits.

It's not just your mind-set.

It's not just your BODY LANGUAGE.

It's not just your spontaneity.

It's not just the way you REACT to her.

It's not just the individuals she recognizes you
hang out with or don't meet up with.

It's not just the way you encounter about sex,
i.e. relaxed or not.

It's not just how you make her mind
race trying to determine you out, or
wondering or dreaming what might
come next.

It's not just how slowly or quick you are
to confirm her or to hold validating

It's not just how you get in touch with her and how
calm or assured you are about it.

It's not just how MUCH you can control
THE FRAME of the scenario.


Every individual factor about you, and every
single factor about the scenario you are in
with a lady, can be used to make her
feel you are MORE DESIRABLE, or
if done incorrect, to make her encounter that
you are LESS desirable.

And the more desirable you seem, the
MORE PLEASURE she seems from getting
closer to you.  

This is why I am so ADAMANT about not
just adhering to ONE factor to over-simplify
the procedure. This is not the McDonald's of

To be THE BEST, you have to understand
how ALL the components of fascination play
a part and you have to USE these components.

If you want the McDonald's design choose up
and fascination guidance, there are a billion
other individuals out there. If you want the
Rolls Royce, this is the position.

EVERYTHING, actually, that happens while
you are communicating to a lady to choose her up,
or even if you've known her a lengthy time
and she is your sweetheart, EVERYTHING
that is occurring in the scenario can be used

If a lady is performing 'hard to get', that's not a bad thing!

If you react the way a guy who is DESIRABLE functions,
then you become MORE ATTRACTIVE.

I'm not saying you have to LOVE a
woman who is performing like a b****,
but the truth is, a GREAT lady has
to be CAREFUL about which guy she
goes for, so she can't be EASY.

Your REACTION to her 'hard to get'
behavior informs her ALL the essential
things she needs to know about your
CHARACTER, and your reaction will
THE WORLD to her fascination to you.

If you act the way a guy who is NOT
DESIRABLE functions, then you become

Here's an example: A lady says something
like, "We don't discuss to individuals at groups, we just
get totally free beverages from them!", and your reaction
is, "Cool, maybe you can perform for me then,
I'm looking for some hustlers that have
ambition. But first, let's see how good you
are and get me and my friend some beverages."

So her "act of superiority" backfires, because
the way you created it, it's just a way that she
can probably EARN your attention, but she has
to PROVE her value to you still, and in fact
you're still the one with higher value in the
situation. And yet it's all fun and lively too,
which ALSO seamless comfort. So there's attraction
pleasure going on, and fun periods as well.

All this makes her fascination more excessive,
because feelings nourish power into each
other. Not bad, and all done in a short time.
And she set herself up for it. And she's
feeling way more pleasure with YOU than
she is with all those individuals who were the hug up
and trying so difficult and being so serious.

A GIRL and STILL choose her up SUPER EASILY.

Teasing is just ONE EFFECTIVE technique,
because it's a organic OUTGROWTH of

Because you are sensation an variety of
good feelings internal and sensation you are
so desirable, that power reveals and is
ATTRACTIVE. This makes you not
worried about females responses to you,
so you become PLAYFUL with females,
instead of being so serious and official.

This is why a mean energetic mock doesn't perform.
Because it's not a indication of value, it's a indication of
an upset guy or a culturally retarded guy.
Anger is usually a indication of reduction or fear
or uncertainty as well. All symptoms of
LACK OF VALUE. So the hard-wiring
in her thoughts is REPULSED by it.

It's a thin range between sensation value, and feeling
arrogant to the factor of being a prick - which is not
attractive. Exercise on actual females makes ideal,
as you get a better encounter for it and your calibration
skills develop.

But in common, individuals are trying SO HARD to
VALIDATE a lady that hasn't done anything
to are entitled to that, she basically LOOKS BEAUTIFUL.
And a lady feelings that a guy that acts that
way must be LOW VALUE. It's her EMOTIONS
that feeling this, not her reasoning so much.

This is why NOT VALIDATING a woman
who appeal is such a impressive factor.
It makes a TENSION, the same type of
tension that YOU encounter regarding the fact
that a lady who is stunning is HARD
to get.

Believe me, if it was serving women
who were stunning on you everyday
and they just desired to hug up to you,
you would get tired. You actually
value females more because they are
hard to get, because they don't try to
validate you. Of course, there is a limit
to this, as too much is too much, there
has to a PAYOFF, where she DOES show
some attention, where you DO get the woman,
or she is JUST a mock.

Similarly, when you mock a lady, basically or
figuratively, it's not to mock her absolutely,
it's to make the strain in her so now she
WANTS to be verified by you. That way,
your attention in her seamless comfort for her.

THAT'S what results in her attention and sexual
desire, etc. Just like what makes YOU want
to be with her.

So that's why when you don't provide a woman
who appeal what she wants so quick, it's
cool. The concept though is to do it issue of factly,
not MEANLY. Or do it in a comical way.

So, if she requests you for enough efforts and you
are at the bus quit, you say how much do you
want to provide me for it, etc. If she is at the
gym and she is all hot after a exercise and
buying herself a the water container, you make fun
of her for serving the water on herself to make it
look like she is trying to exercise. And it's
not done with "vengeance", it's done out of

When you don't confirm a lady easily,
it's FUN for her, her hard-wiring feels
there's something of VALUE here,
i.e. YOU. And she wants to get it.
Again, a thin range between doing this
too much and doing it too little.

And the factor is, I don't even think about
it any longer. It's just a way of interaction,
I'm not even trying to always choose up a lady,
it's just the way I encounter.

So for example, I was at the lender, and this
hottie teller who's not even my teller but far
away, is being discussed by my teller for
something. So the babe makes a mistake
and the babe informs me all the way from where
she is that she created an error, and she says
she's so light headed, listening to comments in her go.

So I tell her, noisy enough so that everyone
can listen to, "must be those leisurely drugs
you keep on using" and I say it with a serious
face, but she KINDA KNOWS I'm joking
because the tonality is so issue of fact
that for sure I'm NOT being serious.
Her jaw falls, THEN she fun, and she
says, "Don't say that! These people
don't know, they think you're serious!"
But as she says it, you can tell she's

So I go "Who's joking?" AGAIN
in a deadpan serious way. Which
is actually more amusing, because it's
more excessive of an accusation
which makes the whole thing
NOT actual. She gives that big
smile, and she "GETS IT".

I'm just like this all enough time, it
translates into everything I do,
including when I choose to dabble
for fun on the net and have some
fun with females on online relationship services.
I put up a information, usually without
even placing an image, and I get
"hot listed" usually by females who
are the best looking on the website.
Because the information is just me being
this same way, from my information name
to my information to whatever I make.

Instead of SAYING "I am great and sexy
and fun" they FEEL it from studying it.
i.e. I make humor about how I have an
eternal penile erection and that it's really tough
and that every girl believes I like her, even
if I don't, and that I have to tell her
"It's not you, it's ME". Things that.

Because they FEEL the feel of value,
of non-neediness, of sex, of playfulness,
the concept behind the concept.
it, instead of studying "I am great".

And, in a way, even with individuals I know, i.e.
at the gym, I'm just a lively, assured, fun
dude. No, not because I'm trying to choose them
up, although we actually break on each other
about that things too,- i.e. "You hardly identify me
anymore! You don't like my spots? I saw you
spotting a few other guys- you're a
SPOT-WHORE!" because we are SECURE
in our maleness, compared with most individuals.

This is the VIBE.
And females choose up on it when they
are around us, it's ATTRACTIVE
to females, even though we really
aren't even TRYING.

It performs because we are protected, and because
we are having FUN. We are not looking
for acceptance, but we are not fits, in
fact we actually have a certain amount
of believe in going on. Like at the gym,
we break on each other all enough time.

So the same feelings of protection, feeling
trust and assurance that the other person
will "GET it", and the playfulness is there,
all this is the same things that performs on
women, except you also add the PHYSICAL
ESCALATION with females and the sexual
vibes condition that you need to be in, and you
add just the right quantity of DOMINANCE
at the most ideal time - at the starting, and when
transitioning factors to the next level of

And that's just a BEGINNING of an
interaction. But the starting COUNTS,
because you are ESTABLISHING
THE FRAME. So if I start a set of girls
ANYWHERE, coffeehouse, team, shop,
anywhere, the very FIRST terms are
ALSO said with the tonality that makes
the frame CLEAR: "This is my world,
it's an excellent world, I'm casual, and
I'm welcoming you in by the simple truth I'm
talking to you, without developing it a formal
ass-kissing invites."

Sometimes, the ladies seem a bit confused
at that VERY FIRST second, because this
doesn't occur to them daily, so they
aren't sure what's going on. I don't abandon
ship. I STAY ON COURSE, and just KEEP
ON GOING with it, and they "get on board"

What a lot of individuals do is they try to
act awesome with a mock, but have nothing
to adhere to it up with. Because they are
too targeted on the ACT of proposition, and
not targeted on the PRINCIPLE of
feeling protected and SUPERIOR SELF
VALUE. The simple act of WORRYING
about what she believes so much so that
you can come up with the most ideal factor t
o say next is something she CAN DETECT
because she has seen the various types of
insecurity a thousand periods in other individuals.

And she finds that you are trying so hard
for her, TOO HARD, too quick before even
KNOWING HER AT ALL, before she has
done anything to DESERVE that attempt.
So THAT indicates to her subconscious
that you are NOT WORTH MUCH.

So her thoughts seems NO PLEASURE.

At EVERY factor in an connections with
a lady from conference her the first time
all the way to sex and beyond and even
into a serious connection, there is the way
a guy with VALUE would act and the way
a guy without value would act.

So if you are at a team and have gone up
to a lady or number of ladies and taunted them
and then you are communicating with the girl
you like most, and you tell her to come
sit down with you where it's less noisy,
and she avoids, how do you react?

Does it AFFECT your feeling of self-worth?
Or are you COMPLETELY COOL and still
feeling the sex-related feelings within of you and
feeling good and you discuss her up some more
and then GO FOR IT AGAIN? That would
be a reasonable technique. Or, another strategy
that would be awesome would be to just be
more prominent in your OWN FRAME
about the concept of her going with you.

Because if YOU think it's a big cope, that
VALUE, so when she avoids going, you think
she is actually doing the RIGHT THING for
herself, since you don't encounter you have the value!
So you actually encounter GUILTY about trying to
get her to come sit down with you!

then you would encounter it's in HER attention to come
with you! Because SHE would be having a great
time. So then instead of sensation GUILTY, you
would be cheerful and maybe wink at her, and
take her side while looking in her EYES and
say "don't deny yourself!"


And when you DO take her side, don't take
it like a GIRL. Take it like a MAN.
I used to be scared I might grind a girl's
hand because I perform out so much, but then
I noticed that the scariest factor that ever happens
if I DO keep her too strongly is the woman thinks
I'm JOKING and she tries to SQUEEZE
BACK as difficult as she can and fun.
So it's ideal, as they say, since it only
adds to the FUN feelings.

Superiority. Value. Fun. Sexuality.

These are actually ALL FORMS OF
PLEASURE for a lady when you
convey them.

And that is what you want to provide a lady.

Another essential observe on pleasure:

SEX is obviously one of the HIGHEST forms
of pleasure. So, do you recognize how
by preventing any sex-related undertones to your
interaction? Or by COMING ACROSS
as "too NICE for HARDCORE sex"?

A lady ALREADY has to cope with cultural
brainwashing of sensation like a bitch if she is
too "easy", so if you are going to ALSO
have "issues" with sex, by not being in
a sex-related condition yourself, or by avoiding
any sex-related material to your discussion,
she will think that factors are going to be

And of course, when you DO get to
to the bedroom aspect, you have to
realize that all that "not seeking to
be a slut" worry is something that
goes out the screen - if you have
issues in the bedroom, if you feel
bad about sex, how the terrible is
SHE going to encounter much better about it???

So you see, at EVERY level of the connections,
it's ALWAYS about improving the PLEASURE,
it's about developing her encounter higher and more
INTENSE emotions- this is why creating
that CONNECTION with her is also essential,
because it makes the encounter of being with
you MORE INTIMATE, more significant.

But don't think for one SECOND it's
connection for connection's benefit. It's
about how that can make the whole experience
even more of a RUSH. Sex with a lady you
are not only ATTRACTED to, but who you
also encounter CONNECTED TO, seems WAY

It's the same for a lady when it comes to how
SHE seems.

One last factor on pleasure for now- in common,
we want MORE AND MORE of it, not less
and less. So, once factors are warming up with
a lady, whether it's your starting up of the
conversation, the teases, the get in touch with, don't
RUIN it by going in reverse into INFERIOR
GUY MODE, i.e. "playing it emotionally
safe for yourself"

This is what happens with so many individuals,
they are lastly developing improvement and getting
somewhere, they are getting how all this performs,
the girl is getting drawn, but then the guy
starts to get TOO DEPENDENT ON THE
OUTCOME and he begins to get desperate for
it, and he reveals you will of
inferiority instead of BEING THE MAN!

So, if she is laughing, she is seated down
with you, you're having her side, the hug,
whatever it is, KEEP IT GOING to the
NEXT LEVEL as much as possible.

That doesn't mean to make out with her
non quit at the bar, and it doesn't mean
to KEEP ON TEASING her non-stop.
That's not what I mean at all. What I
mean is take factors to the NEXT level
of the connections. You type of KNOW
in your gut when it's a chance to shift on
from the operator, when it's the most ideal time to
go into connection, when it's the most ideal time to
hold her side, when it's the most ideal time to
kiss her, when it's a chance to escalate
to sex. You have to MAKE it
happen, and not remain in the
"emotional zero-risk zone".

But like I said, what happens is that guys
have this guy concept in their thoughts that their
VALUE is at share, so they don't want
to damage. That's just more society
brainwashing though, because in fact
going for it is the way to get good.

But individuals let the ego management them, they are
AFRAID of getting refused by going for
the NEXT STAGE, be it making with her,
or the hug her, or whatever it is that comes
next. But the whole way you GOT to the
good scenario in the first position was by
NOT following your worries, but rather
following what you DO WANT.

You CAN'T WIN by implementing the
"fear" technique of "staying where
you are because you got somewhere
and you don't want to RUIN it".

The WORST THING that happens from
GOING for it is that maybe she avoids.
THAT'S FINE. First of all, it's usually
only TEMPORARY, it just indicates she's
not prepared to increase right that SECOND.
In three moments from that period, she may
to your escalation again.

And regardless of what, you'll enhance your
calibration and feeling of moment for the very next occasion.

And the best factor that happens, is that you
get EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT and have a lot of time
of your lifestyle. And the truth is that with
this technological innovation that I am educating, it's
actually FAR MORE LIKELY to get what you want,
than to get the other reaction.

This publication has moved on a TON of
CRUCIAL components of fascination. And as you
can tell, ONE of the BIG ones is developing
the SKILL of a super-confident feeling of HUMOR.

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